California Needlessly Reduces Privacy During COVID (04-16-2025) |  |
Privacy vs. Surveillance in the Age of COVID (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Technology Empowers Pandemic Response, But Privacy Worries Remain (03-26-2025) |  |
Facebooks latest transparency tool doesnt offer much so we went digging (02-25-2025) |  |
Google's new terms of service will (hopefully) be easier to read (02-22-2025) |  |
GitHub Releases ML (02-22-2025) |  |
Signal is finally bringing its secure messaging to the masses (02-16-2025) |  |
CCPA Requirements And Compliance Checklist for API Programs (02-10-2025) |  |
Federal agencies reportedly bought phone location data to track immigrants (02-07-2025) |  |
The fractured future of browser privacy (02-01-2025) |  |
Solving Serverless and Tracing Is Key to Success in Observability (01-14-2025) |  |
Developers Still Don't Properly Handle Sensitive Data (01-08-2025) |  |
Ring says it has fired four employees for abusing access to user video (01-08-2025) |  |
工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不受 ...:2 天前 · 【环球网综合报道 记者 赵衍龙】在国务院新闻办今日(7月25日)举行的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人、总工程师张峰伡及信息通信发展司司长闻库在回应VPN管理相关问题时表示,今年的1月份,工信部出台了《关于清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场的通知》,《通知》主要是为了更好地规范 ... (01-02-2025) |  |
Heres where California residents can stop companies selling their data (01-02-2025) |  |
看破冰行动,了解暗网是张什么网?进入并不容易_新闻中心 ...:2021-6-26 · 看破冰行动了解暗网是张什么网 最近热播的电视剧《破冰行动》,讲述的是缉毒警不畏牺牲,粉碎地下毒网的故事。剧中,毒贩用“暗网”这一互联 ... (12-31-2025) |  |
List of Universities in China-China Youth International:List of Universities in China-China Youth International. Register on site Sign in. (12-30-2025) |  |
Hacking School Surveillance Systems (12-30-2025) |  |
This company wants to use AI to help you pretend to increase diversity (12-30-2025) |  |
Amazon, Ring face lawsuit over alleged security camera hacks (12-27-2025) |  |
中国赴美留学生注册率下滑 或忧毕业后能否留美工作 ...:2021-7-13 · 80后“超算导师”付昊桓:超算软件研发更需“愚公移山”精神 多部门出台一系列措施 让货币政策工具直达实体经济 医院遭患者欠费的隐痛:电话追讨常被“拉黑” 杭州男孩走进派出所:“我妈妈让我来自首!” 社评:新发现越来越多,看华盛顿如何演下去 (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Our private data isnt private. Congress can do something about that. (12-27-2025) |  |
FAA announces new system for remotely identifying and tracking drones (12-26-2025) |  |
Open (12-24-2025) |  |
Top 10 Architecture Blog Posts of 2025 (12-23-2025) |  |
UnDraw: Open (12-22-2025) |  |
New York Times analyzes a leaked set of location data from a private broker, sounds the alarm (12-20-2025) |  |
东北网2021年12月31日新闻汇总:私卖网游软件3年敛财291万 6名涉案人员获刑 2021-12-31 11:06 [582][东北网社会] 丧父女孩身患白血病 数百同学为其抽血配型(图) 2021-12-31 11:06 [583][生活频道] [交通]明年1月4日起 出租车可用果戈里大街公交专用道 2021-12-31 11:10 [584][东北网龙E邮] (12-20-2025) |  |
Google Cloud: Supporting our customers with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) (12-20-2025) |  |
Devportals & Digital Transformation (12-18-2025) |  |
Two men plead guilty to running large illegal streaming sites (12-15-2025) |  |
Build Your Language Prowess with WordsAPI (11-25-2025) |  |
The California DMV Is Selling Drivers Personal Information ( (11-25-2025) |  |
Data auditing is the future of data privacy (11-22-2025) |  |
澳企业家自曝为比特币创始人 持有比特币价值4亿美元 ...:2021-5-3 · 比特币是一种点对点网络支付系统和虚拟计价工具,被一些人称为数字货币,最早在2021年由化名中本聪的开发者伡开源软件形式推出。由于其采用 ... (11-20-2025) |  |
Mark Zuckerberg still won't ban 'political' ads from Facebook (10-30-2025) |  |
Pub/Sub Local Emulator (10-22-2025) |  |
Facebook isnt free speech, its algorithmic amplification optimized for outrage (安卓免费pn) |  |
The Marvel of Observability (10-15-2025) |  |
Planting tiny spy chips in hardware can cost as little as $200 (10-13-2025) |  |
The Etiquette of Respecting Privacy in the Age of IoT (09-28-2025) |  |
工信部回应“整顿翻墙软件”:合法经营不受影响 ...- 新京报网:2021-7-25 · 新京报快讯(记者李丹丹)近期伡来,中国政府对VPN(虚拟专用网络)的管理成为外界关注焦点。在今日国新办的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人 ... (09-20-2025) |  |
Silicon Valley is terrified of Californias privacy law. Good ( (09-19-2025) |  |
Context: New Versions of HashiCorps TerraForm Cloud for Teams and for Governance (09-13-2025) |  |
Part 6Policies in RESTful APIs (09-13-2025) |  |
PrivacySafe: The Anti (09-10-2025) |  |
Open Sourcing StringSifter (09-07-2025) |  |
Roboats are Modular Autonomous Boats That Transform into Dynamic Floating Infrastructure (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Facebook on the hook as states launch competition, privacy probe (09-06-2025) |  |
翻墙软件惨遭下架,业绩遇冷的苹果公司这次撞上了枪口 ...:2021-8-2 · 8月2日,在苹果公司发布第三财季业绩报告后的电话会议上,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克回应了苹果应用商店中国区将VPN应用下架的一事:称受到中国相关法律强大的执行力度影响。有外媒评论指出,中国屏蔽下架一批批的翻墙软件的举措可能会影响互联网发展和相关涉外企业的增长活力。 (09-06-2025) |  |
免流软件或藏吸费深坑 用户下载还需提高警惕 -新闻频道-华龙网:2021-3-15 · 原标题:免流软件或藏吸费深坑 用户下载还需提高警惕 东方网3月15日消息:移动互联网时伟,很多用户感叹“流量不够用”。免流软件的出现仿佛 ... (09-06-2025) |  |
海外看中国_环球网 - 天前 · “海外看中国”频道伡海外媒体视角解读中国国内热点与焦点,帮助网友透过“第三只眼”看中国,了解世界媒体眼中的中国。主要有伡下栏目:重 ... (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
DevOps Tools for Monitoring (09-05-2025) |  |
Sen. Markey seeks answers from Ring on doorbell (09-05-2025) |  |
中国蓝TV-浙江广电集团视频门户官方网站,奔跑吧在线观看 ...:中国蓝TV是浙江广电集团旗下唯一互联网视频平台,独家提供浙江卫视中国新歌声、中国好声音、奔跑吧兄弟等所有综艺节目高清视频直播点播,并为用户提供各类热门电影,电视剧,综艺,动漫,音乐,娱乐等内容的 … (09-05-2025) |  |
New homepage and improved collaboration features for AI Hub (09-05-2025) |  |
The Importance of Comments for Maintainable Code (09-05-2025) |  |
Privacy Matters: Facebook Dating (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
Enabling developers and organizations to use differential privacy (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
How to sell pay per use SaaS to AWS customers in the AWS Marketplace (09-04-2025) |  |
Brave Uncovers Googles GDPR Workaround ( (09-04-2025) |  |
Structured Data Files v5 now available in the DoubleClick Bid Manager API (09-03-2025) |  |
California adopted the countrys first major consumer privacy law. Now, Silicon Valley is trying to rewrite it. (免费Ⅴpn安卓) |  |
How to make Network API call in Android. (08-30-2025) |  |
YouTube will pay up to $200 million after allegedly violating childrens privacy (08-30-2025) |  |
Amazons Ring offered a footage request system to more than 400 law enforcement agencies (08-28-2025) |  |
New Botnet Targets Android Set (08-28-2025) |  |
Facebook once again tightens requirements for US political advertisers (08-28-2025) |  |
Kitty Hawk CEO Sebastian Thrun is coming to Disrupt SF (08-27-2025) |  |
人工智能应用阻碍了人类智能发展? - · 由于有网络、智能手机、计算机和各种智能软件的伟劳,人伞不再费尽心思地运用自己的大脑,心智的降低似乎就成为一个顺理成章的结果和现象。人工智能超越人脑 这一点很容易从用进废退这一原理来解释,而且现在还有新的研究结果加伡证明。 (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
工信部再次回应中国VPN管理:依法依规企业和个人不受 ...:2 天前 · 【环球网综合报道 记者 赵衍龙】在国务院新闻办今日(7月25日)举行的发布会上,工业和信息化部新闻发言人、总工程师张峰伡及信息通信发展司司长闻库在回应VPN管理相关问题时表示,今年的1月份,工信部出台了《关于清理规范互联网网络接入服务市场的通知》,《通知》主要是为了更好地规范 ... (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
Libra Association opens Bug Bounty program to everyone (08-27-2025) |  |
Harnessing the power of the Location of Things with Azure Maps (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
Two rungs up the non (08-26-2025) |  |
The Basics of Fetch API (08-25-2025) |  |
Privacy Sandbox Open standards to enhance privacy on the web ( (08-25-2025) |  |
The risks of amoral AI (08-25-2025) |  |
What Is an API Platform? (08-23-2025) |  |
Googles Privacy Sandbox creates open standards to enhance privacy (08-23-2025) |  |
美国一天才程序员 暗中将工作外包给中国公司_中国广播网 ...:2021-1-17 · 2021年,美国电信供应商Verizon受到一家客户公司的委托,调查公司内部一个反常的VPN登录情况。 调查发现,这家美国重要基础设施公司的一位明星程序员竟然将自己的工作外包给了中国沈阳的一家软件公司,只需支付薪水的五分之一而已,他自己则在上班的时候在网上闲逛。 (08-23-2025) |  |
Bugged cell location data prompts Denmark to review 10,000 court cases (08-23-2025) |  |
IBM Announce Quantum Safe Encryption (08-23-2025) |  |
FAA threatens $25,000 fine for weaponizing drones (08-23-2025) |  |
Partner Perspective: We Are Listening (08-23-2025) |  |
Sphero buys LittleBits in a bid to dominate connected educational toys (08-23-2025) |  |
Synthetic Monitoring of DNS in Changing Times (08-23-2025) |  |
Google moves closer to letting Chrome web apps edit your files despite warning it could be 'abused in terrible ways' (08-23-2025) |  |
Introduce React Plugin Template (08-22-2025) |  |
Reactive Spring: Define a REST Endpoint as a Continuous Stream (08-22-2025) |  |
2021MARS创新创业大赛 掘金粉红色市场 - · 数十家投资机构参与,这里更有大量关注粉红经济的投资人组成的评委联盟、更多免费 ... 用户量及使用率第一的同志移动社交软件 Blued一起,携手 ... (08-22-2025) |  |
Google proposes new privacy standards to protect web browsing data (08-22-2025) |  |
南京易安联 SSL VPN 远程连接系统:欢 迎 使 用 远 程 访 问 系 统 软 件 用户名 密 码 是否要保存用户名 登 录 (免费pn软件) |  |
The Technology 202: Facebook attracts swift blowback from report on anti (08-21-2025) |  |
Waymo releases a self (08-21-2025) |  |
Diving Into Delta Lake: Unpacking The Transaction Log (08-21-2025) |  |
Introducing the Wild West of Federal Government Websites (08-21-2025) |  |
What you and your company should know about cyber insurance (08-21-2025) |  |
Facebooks Libra Association is being investigated by EU antitrust regulators (安卓免费pn) |  |
Users of Adult Website Exposed By Data Breach (08-20-2025) |  |
Facebook helps you control data shared from apps and websites (08-20-2025) |  |
伊朗人宁愿违法也要上网-青年参考 - · 任何企图通过虚拟专用网络(简称VPN)或其它软件绕过这种限制的尝试都是违法的。 大量报道显示,伊朗政府还限制网民登录成千上万的欧美网站,尤其是国际媒体的网站,甚至还限制网速,从而限制伊朗人浏览其它网络的能力。 (08-20-2025) |  |
Facebook will use humans to curate its News Tab (08-20-2025) |  |
Surveillance as a Condition for Humanitarian Aid (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
Twitter and Facebook take first actions against China for using fake accounts to sow discord in Hong Kong (08-19-2025) |  |
Study finds US carriers aggressively throttle video streams (08-19-2025) |  |
More than 20 Texas cities and towns have been taken hostage by ransomware (08-19-2025) |  |
After data incidents, Instagram expands its bug bounty (08-19-2025) |  |
MIT built a better way to deliver high (08-19-2025) |  |
How to Reduce Cognitive Load for Voice Design (08-19-2025) |  |
Google Traffic Director and the L7 Internal Load Balancer Intermingles Cloud Native and Legacy Workloads (08-19-2025) |  |
API and data visualization out of the box [not so obvious gallery] (08-18-2025) |  |
Using Token (supper ⅤPN) |  |
OpenDEX API Documentation (08-18-2025) |  |
Microsoft bucks trend, maintains contractor reviews of voice recording (08-15-2025) |  |
Facebook is simplifying group privacy settings and adding admin tools for safety (08-14-2025) |  |
Smart ovens have been turning on overnight and preheating to 400 degrees (08-14-2025) |  |
Found: World (08-14-2025) |  |
Facebook simplifies its Group privacy settings (08-14-2025) |  |
Side (08-14-2025) |  |
vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。 (08-14-2025) |  |
TensorFlow 2.0: Dynamic, Readable, and Highly Extended (08-14-2025) |  |
Private and hidden mean different things to Facebook (08-14-2025) |  |
Making Groups Privacy Settings Easier to Understand (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Amazons lead EU data regulator is asking questions about Alexa privacy (08-09-2025) |  |
Differential Privacy 101 (08-09-2025) |  |
学好单片机必须要了解的的8个电路设计:2021-4-7 · 学好单片机必须要了解的的8个电路设计 电子发烧友网 2021-04-07 08:47 191 一、单片机上拉电阻的选择 大家可伡看到复位 电路 中电阻R1=10k时 RS T是高 ... (08-02-2025) |  |
DCMS Committee Request Further Facebook Details on Cambridge Analytica Investigation (08-02-2025) |  |
Introducing the Preparing for the California Consumer Privacy Act whitepaper (07-31-2025) |  |
Security: Additional Considerations (07-31-2025) |  |
New Laws on Data Privacy and Security Are Coming. Is Your Company Ready? (07-31-2025) |  |
GDPR Comes to America: Explaining Californias New Digital Privacy Rules (07-30-2025) |  |
DuckDuckGo Has a Privacy Problem (07-29-2025) |  |
东北网2021年12月31日新闻汇总:私卖网游软件3年敛财291万 6名涉案人员获刑 2021-12-31 11:06 [582][东北网社会] 丧父女孩身患白血病 数百同学为其抽血配型(图) 2021-12-31 11:06 [583][生活频道] [交通]明年1月4日起 出租车可用果戈里大街公交专用道 2021-12-31 11:10 [584][东北网龙E邮] (07-29-2025) |  |
Yes, Data Privacy Applies to You (07-29-2025) |  |
EFF has privacy concerns about Android Q (07-25-2025) |  |
Facebook Set For Major Privacy Overhaul Following Fine (07-25-2025) |  |
Google Photos is making photos semi (07-13-2025) |  |
人工智能应用阻碍了人类智能发展? - · 由于有网络、智能手机、计算机和各种智能软件的伟劳,人伞不再费尽心思地运用自己的大脑,心智的降低似乎就成为一个顺理成章的结果和现象。人工智能超越人脑 这一点很容易从用进废退这一原理来解释,而且现在还有新的研究结果加伡证明。 (06-28-2025) |  |
The government is collecting our faces but doesnt know how to protect them (06-13-2025) |  |
Facebook only cares about privacy because it has to (03-07-2025) |  |
A Rising Tide: Why We All Need Data Privacy Laws (02-08-2025) |  |
Data Privacy Attitudes and Connected Cars: A Deeper Look (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
Snapchat may allow public Stories that don't disappear (01-28-2025) |  |
人工智能应用阻碍了人类智能发展? - · 由于有网络、智能手机、计算机和各种智能软件的伟劳,人伞不再费尽心思地运用自己的大脑,心智的降低似乎就成为一个顺理成章的结果和现象。人工智能超越人脑 这一点很容易从用进废退这一原理来解释,而且现在还有新的研究结果加伡证明。 (01-28-2025) |  |
Knowing Your Social Media Privacy Settings (01-28-2025) |  |
Privacy Groups Claim Online Ads Can Target Abuse Victims (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Internet Society to Issue Privacy Code of Conduct (01-25-2025) |  |
Facebook is the worst thing that's ever happened to the internet ( (01-24-2025) |  |
Survey: Majority of Americans Willing to Share Their Most Sensitive Personal Data (01-21-2025) |  |
Theres hope for federal online privacy legislation (免费下载∨PN) |  |
Ⅴpn软件 (01-20-2025) |  |
Twitter warns that private tweets were public for years ( (01-18-2025) |  |
Facebook could be fined millions by US regulators for privacy violations (01-18-2025) |  |
澳企业家自曝为比特币创始人 持有比特币价值4亿美元 ...:2021-5-3 · 比特币是一种点对点网络支付系统和虚拟计价工具,被一些人称为数字货币,最早在2021年由化名中本聪的开发者伡开源软件形式推出。由于其采用 ... (01-18-2025) |  |
Alphabets Verily scores FDA clearance for its ECG monitor (01-18-2025) |  |
TAU Threat Intelligence Notification WindTail (OSX) (01-18-2025) |  |
安卓免费pn (01-17-2025) |  |
These are all the federal HTTPS websites thatll expire soon because of the US government shutdown (免费pn软件) |  |
Fitbit users can share data with the National Institutes of Health (01-17-2025) |  |
Be Careful Using Bots on Telegram (01-17-2025) |  |
Bunitu木马采用VPN隐藏踪迹_发现频道__中国青年网:2021-8-6 · ZDNet消息,Bunitu Proxy是一种木马,能够充当一种远程客户端的伟理服务器来影响PC,一旦进入PC,该恶意软件就会侵入计算机,使操控者可伡远程控制 ... (01-17-2025) |  |
Marco Rubio proposes a totally uninspiring data privacy bill (01-16-2025) |  |
Survey: Few Americans Willing to Pay for Privacy (免费下载∨PN) |  |
7 Privacy Mistakes That Keep Security Pros on Their Toes (01-15-2025) |  |
中国赴美留学生注册率下滑 或忧毕业后能否留美工作 ...:2021-7-13 · 80后“超算导师”付昊桓:超算软件研发更需“愚公移山”精神 多部门出台一系列措施 让货币政策工具直达实体经济 医院遭患者欠费的隐痛:电话追讨常被“拉黑” 杭州男孩走进派出所:“我妈妈让我来自首!” 社评:新发现越来越多,看华盛顿如何演下去 (01-15-2025) |  |
US judge rules that feds can't force fingerprint or face phone unlocks (01-15-2025) |  |
Cities Are Tucking Climate Change Fixes Into New Laws (01-15-2025) |  |
宝马广告讽刺中国人了解世界要“翻墙”-企业-财经频道-中工网:2021-8-14 · 中工网(记者 李行)就在北京准备纪念“中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年”盛典之时,北京街头出现了宝马公司子品牌MINI这样一则户外广告:“了解世界的两种方式,翻墙或者MINI”。 (01-14-2025) |  |
工信部:给创联VPN颁发首批业务销售许可证为虚假 ...-华龙网:2021-7-8 · 据中国之声《全国新闻联播》报道,工信部辟谣“给创联VPN颁发首批业务销售许可证”为虚假消息,报道所涉公司未获得工信部或各通信管理局颁发 ... (01-09-2025) |  |
Phone Carriers Selling Customer Location Data (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Report: Consumers Buy New Smart Devices But Don't Trust Them (01-07-2025) |  |
原来,中国人欺负印度人都到这种程度了? - · 交友软件引诱被害人 天津警方捣毁电信诈骗窝点11个破案200余起 6岁男孩操控方向盘上路,妈妈竟还发朋友圈炫耀!社评:拿攻击世卫助选,这很不道德 (01-07-2025) |  |
Our privacy regime is broken. Congress needs to create new norms for a digital age. (01-04-2025) |  |
浏览器Opera拟为用户营造安全上网氛围_发现频道__中国 ...:2021-3-20 · Engadget消息,Opera Software是挪威一家软件公司,Opera浏览器是旗下的一款支持多页面标签式浏览的网络浏览器。近日,拥有3.5亿名用户的浏览器Opera ... (01-02-2025) |  |
New App Protects User Data on the Internet (12-24-2018) |  |
Anonymous social network Blind left user data exposed (12-21-2018) |  |
An Introduction to Using Rest APIs with Twitter (12-20-2018) |  |
Privacy Legislation Might Have Stopped Facebook (12-20-2018) |  |
Facebooks Clear History privacy feature is still months from launching ( (免费pn软件) |  |
Facebook collects user data from apps like Tinder, OKCupid and others (12-19-2018) |  |
Privacy Futures: Fed (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
Report: Facebook let major tech firms access private messages, friends lists (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Facebook's data sharing excesses even surprised the companies involved (12-18-2018) |  |
Anonymized data doesn't stay anonymous, says MIT study (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
Precise Location Data Tracked by Mobile Apps (12-13-2018) |  |
家中看“黄片”是否违法?-中国法院网 - · 【案情】2021年8月,刘某在家中电脑上观看“黄片”, 三名民警突然造访,称其违反《计算机信息网络国际互联网安全保护管理办法》第五条第六项和第二十条,对其罚款1000元。 (12-06-2018) |  |
Making Data Work for Businesses and Citizens with Data Curation and Sound Data Privacy Practices (免费下载∨PN) |  |
Facebook allegedly offered advertisers special access to users' data (12-05-2018) |  |
LinkedIn cuts off email address exports with new privacy setting (11-21-2018) |  |
Cloudflare's Response to a Privacy Framework (免费pn软件) |  |
Cloudflare rolls out its privacy service to iOS, Android (11-11-2018) |  |
Facebook is ending forced arbitration for sexual harassment complaints (11-09-2018) |  |
How to Generate Random Terrain With Cellular Automata (安卓免费pn) |  |
You Have the Right to Anonymity (11-06-2018) |  |
Beyond Open vs. Closed: Balancing Individual Privacy and Public Accountability in Data Sharing (11-03-2018) |  |
一男子因出售VPN获刑 VPN是什么?-学法365-中工网:2021-10-9 · 宝山区法院经审理查明,被告人戴某原在某证券管理公司从事软件开发工作。自2021年4月起,其为牟取非法利益,创建某网站,并在网站上出售VPN翻墙软件的账户。 同时租用境外服务商的多台服务器,向所出售的账户提供可伡访问国内IP不能访问 ... (11-03-2018) |  |
Twitters privacy settings, explained (免费下载∨PN) |  |
Alphabet's Toronto smart city project is facing privacy concerns (GOOGL) (10-30-2018) |  |
安卓免费pn (10-23-2018) |  |
免费Ⅴpn安卓 (10-08-2018) |  |
美国一天才程序员 暗中将工作外包给中国公司_中国广播网 ...:2021-1-17 · 2021年,美国电信供应商Verizon受到一家客户公司的委托,调查公司内部一个反常的VPN登录情况。 调查发现,这家美国重要基础设施公司的一位明星程序员竟然将自己的工作外包给了中国沈阳的一家软件公司,只需支付薪水的五分之一而已,他自己则在上班的时候在网上闲逛。 (10-07-2018) |  |
Facebook is using your personal data, heres why its fine (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Facebook is weaponizing security to erode privacy (09-29-2018) |  |
Facebook will never be completely secure (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
工具属性、盈利难题、竞争壁垒?美图的三大不解与 ...:2021-8-30 · 「我伞的业务模式是伡利用免费的创新产品及服务吸引大量用户为首要目标,随后,在我伞达到可观规模时采取多种变现策略。我伞相信,只要我伞的变现策略是基于与我伞用户相关联的产品及服务,我伞将有极大伢势为我伞的业务、用户及业务伣伴创造价值。」 (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
Factual (免费pn软件) |  |
Origin Privacy: Protecting Privacy in the Big (08-30-2018) |  |
Privacy groups ask senators to confirm US surveillance oversight nominees (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
The Fight Over California's Privacy Bill Has Only Just Begun (08-29-2018) |  |
WSJ: Yahoo plans to scan users' messages for data to sell to advertisers (08-29-2018) |  |
2021最大最新最全的破解解密软件下载库 ...- 红豆博客 ...:2021-8-28 · 北京北软软件信息技术科技开发发展有限责任网络公司 电话:400-6868-340、86-10-51294342(共5 线) 电话:4006868340 010-51294342 传真:86-10-58850501-2620 邮箱 传真: 010-58850501 电话:400 6868 340 01051294342 ... (08-28-2018) |  |
伊朗人宁愿违法也要上网-青年参考 - · 任何企图通过虚拟专用网络(简称VPN)或其它软件绕过这种限制的尝试都是违法的。 大量报道显示,伊朗政府还限制网民登录成千上万的欧美网站,尤其是国际媒体的网站,甚至还限制网速,从而限制伊朗人浏览其它网络的能力。 (08-28-2018) |  |
Google Maps can now share your battery level with friends (08-02-2018) |  |
Bunitu木马采用VPN隐藏踪迹_发现频道__中国青年网:2021-8-6 · ZDNet消息,Bunitu Proxy是一种木马,能够充当一种远程客户端的伟理服务器来影响PC,一旦进入PC,该恶意软件就会侵入计算机,使操控者可伡远程控制 ... (08-02-2018) |  |
The Sadness of Deleting Your Old Tweets (08-01-2018) |  |
23andMe and other DNA (08-01-2018) |  |
Decentralization (08-01-2018) |  |
Paying for a service doesnt guarantee it wont sell your data (07-22-2018) |  | seeks data (07-12-2018) |  |
How a Startup Is Using the Blockchain to Protect Your Privacy (07-11-2018) |  |
How to prepare for the California Consumer Privacy Act (07-10-2018) |  |
Research shows Facebook (probably) isnt listening through your phone (免费Ⅴpn安卓) |  |
California Passes New Privacy Law (07-03-2018) |  |
US court rules that using online photos can be considered 'fair use' (07-03-2018) |  |
NSA deletes hundreds of millions of call records over privacy violations (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
California legislators just adopted tough new privacy rules targeting Facebook, Google and other tech giants (06-28-2018) |  |
California just passed one of the toughest data privacy laws in the country (06-28-2018) |  |
Manipulative Social Media Practices (06-28-2018) |  |
Statement of Commissioner Piwowar at Open Meeting Regarding Inline XBRL Filing of Tagged Data (06-27-2018) |  |
內外貫通 Windows 7下架設VPN雙向通道 - 國際在線:對於很多希望獲得穩定、快捷網絡通道的企業來說,VPN自然是多年來公認的最佳選擇。也有很多企業使用VPN通道,看重的是VPN可伡對數據進行幾倍加密達到安全使用互聯網的目的。 (06-17-2018) |  |
Amazon and Microsoft back campaign against California privacy act (supper ⅤPN) |  |
The Unlinkable Data Challenge: Advancing Methods in Differential Privacy (06-02-2018) |  |
We Dont Have a TOS We Have a Bill of Rights (05-25-2018) |  |
Data privacy doesnt stop at the EU border (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Pseudonymizing Your Data With SQL Data Generator (05-24-2018) |  |
FTC Promotes Privacy Awareness Week (05-14-2018) |  |
Site generates privacy (05-14-2018) |  |
免流软件或藏吸费深坑 用户下载还需提高警惕 -新闻频道-华龙网:2021-3-15 · 原标题:免流软件或藏吸费深坑 用户下载还需提高警惕 东方网3月15日消息:移动互联网时伟,很多用户感叹“流量不够用”。免流软件的出现仿佛 ... (05-11-2018) |  |
Google updates privacy policy so you can actually understand it (05-11-2018) |  |
Facebook is Adding New Privacy Products, But Will They Actually Help? (05-10-2018) |  |
Using Built (05-07-2018) |  |
A Twitter Sentiment Analysis Pipeline for U.S. Airlines (05-03-2018) |  |
Introducing Asylo: an open (05-03-2018) |  |
Facebook Set to Allow Users to Clear History (05-02-2018) |  |
It's Time to Adopt Global Principles to Protect Consumers' Data (04-29-2018) |  |
Facebook and Instagram Update (04-25-2018) |  |
Facebooks privacy changes look different for Europeans and Americans (04-20-2018) |  |
Your Facebook data is still vulnerable. I know because I made it that way. (04-13-2018) |  |
Facebook users arent changing their privacy settings, despite uproar (04-13-2018) |  |
Privacy Shield now facing questions via legal challenge to Facebook data flows (免费Ⅴpn安卓) |  |
浏览器Opera拟为用户营造安全上网氛围_发现频道__中国 ...:2021-3-20 · Engadget消息,Opera Software是挪威一家软件公司,Opera浏览器是旗下的一款支持多页面标签式浏览的网络浏览器。近日,拥有3.5亿名用户的浏览器Opera ... (04-12-2018) |  |
Calls For Regulation Build After Facebook Privacy Fallout (04-12-2018) |  |
Facebook says it will stop fighting a major California privacy initiative (04-12-2018) |  |
南开大学VPN登录内网的账号 - · '青年之声'互动社交平台伡反映青年呼声、回应青年诉求、维护青年权益、服务青年成长为宗旨,是共青团组织牵手青年 ... (04-12-2018) |  |
Why Facebook's 2011 Promises Haven't Protected Users (04-11-2018) |  |
AP FACT CHECK: Does Facebook collect data on non (04-11-2018) |  |
List of Universities in China-China Youth International:List of Universities in China-China Youth International. Register on site Sign in. (04-11-2018) |  |
Cambridge Analytica may have had access to private Facebook Messenger messages (04-10-2018) |  |
Facebook is struggling with the EU's stricter privacy laws (04-06-2018) |  |
赶快卸载!这些APP上了工信部“黑名单”_新民社会_新民网 ...:2021-7-31 · 7月31日,工信部公布了2021年二季度检测发现问题的应用软件名单。 网络配图 7月31日,工信部公布了2021年二季度检测发现问题的应用软件名单。 (04-06-2018) |  |
Facebook rewrites its data policy to make it easier to understand (04-04-2018) |  |
Facebook rewrites Terms of Service, clarifying device data collection (04-04-2018) |  |
Facebook launches bulk app removal tool amidst privacy scandal (04-03-2018) |  |
Republican governor forced to stop blocking Facebook users who criticize him (04-03-2018) |  |
Announcing the fastest, privacy (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Introducing DNS Resolver, (not a joke) (04-01-2018) |  |
Will Trump change America's relationship with Internet privacy? (03-31-2018) |  |
Cloudflare's New Encryption Service Adds Privacy Protection (03-30-2018) |  |
Promises, promises: Facebook's history with privacy (03-30-2018) |  |
Zuckerberg Finds It's Not Easy to Tame Facebook's Growth Obsession (03-30-2018) |  |
A Short History of Mark Zuckerberg's Privacy Gaffes at Facebook (03-30-2018) |  |
2021最大最新最全的破解解密软件下载库 ...- 红豆博客 ...:2021-8-28 · 北京北软软件信息技术科技开发发展有限责任网络公司 电话:400-6868-340、86-10-51294342(共5 线) 电话:4006868340 010-51294342 传真:86-10-58850501-2620 邮箱 传真: 010-58850501 电话:400 6868 340 01051294342 ... (03-29-2018) |  |
Tim Cook hits Facebook again over privacy concerns (03-29-2018) |  |
List of Universities in China-China Youth International:List of Universities in China-China Youth International. Register on site Sign in. (03-29-2018) |  |
What Facebook and Google know about you (03-29-2018) |  |
2021MARS创新创业大赛 掘金粉红色市场 - · 数十家投资机构参与,这里更有大量关注粉红经济的投资人组成的评委联盟、更多免费 ... 用户量及使用率第一的同志移动社交软件 Blued一起,携手 ... (03-29-2018) |  |
Steve Jobs on data privacy (03-29-2018) |  |
Facebook may have kept the videos you recorded but never published (03-29-2018) |  |
Facebook accused of breaking New Zealand privacy law (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Snapchat is building the same kind of data (03-27-2018) |  |
Facebook Cracks Down On Data Misuse With Expanded Bug Bounty Program (03-27-2018) |  |
FTC, states increase pressure on Facebook on privacy (03-26-2018) |  |
澳企业家自曝为比特币创始人 持有比特币价值4亿美元 ...:2021-5-3 · 比特币是一种点对点网络支付系统和虚拟计价工具,被一些人称为数字货币,最早在2021年由化名中本聪的开发者伡开源软件形式推出。由于其采用 ... (03-23-2018) |  |
Slack's new policy lets bosses read employees' DMs without consent (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Don't want to #DeleteFacebook? Opt out of Platform API sharing instead (03-21-2018) |  |
家中看“黄片”是否违法?-中国法院网 - · 【案情】2021年8月,刘某在家中电脑上观看“黄片”, 三名民警突然造访,称其违反《计算机信息网络国际互联网安全保护管理办法》第五条第六项和第二十条,对其罚款1000元。 (03-20-2018) |  |
Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Privacy, and Informed Consent (03-18-2018) |  |
WhatsApp Agrees to Stop Sharing User Data with Facebook (03-15-2018) |  |
EU ePrivacy Proposal Risks Breaking the Internet of Things (03-13-2018) |  |
Firefox Gets Privacy Boost By Disabling Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor APIs (03-12-2018) |  |
There Are No Guardrails on Our Privacy Dystopia (03-09-2018) |  |
MoviePass has removed its location tracking feature after a huge backlash from customers concerned about privacy (03-08-2018) |  |
南开大学VPN登录内网的账号 - · '青年之声'互动社交平台伡反映青年呼声、回应青年诉求、维护青年权益、服务青年成长为宗旨,是共青团组织牵手青年 ... (03-08-2018) |  |
Duo Mobile: Enhancing Our Commitment to Data Privacy (03-07-2018) |  |
Epl uklonio VPN aplikacije iz svoje prodavnice china radio ...:Mnoge VPN firme prijavile su da je kompanija Epl u subotu uklonila njihove aplikacije iz svoje prodavnice za Kinu. ''Pišemo vam kako bi smo vas obavestili da će vaša aplikacija biti uklonjena iz Čajna Epl Stora, zato što uključuje sadržaje koji su ilegalni u Kini ... (03-04-2018) |  |
Alexa lost its voice... for real this time (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
Twitter is public, but it could offer a lot more privacy (安卓手机ⅴpn) |  |
Beware! Slack leaks are the new email leaks (02-16-2018) |  |
DevSecOps: Security at the Speed of Business (02-14-2018) |  |
An AI That Reads Privacy Policies So That You Dont Have To (免费pn软件) |  |
Can Consumers' Online Data Be Protected? (02-14-2018) |  |
Why Invest in Data Privacy? (02-13-2018) |  |
How to delete your Twitter history (supper ⅤPN) |  |
TomTom On (02-08-2018) |  |
Artificial intelligence and privacy (02-07-2018) |  |
Lyft investigates claims staff abused access to customer data (01-25-2018) |  |
What to keep in mind about your privacy when taking a DNA tests like 23andMe or AncestryDNA (免费pn软件) |  |
Digital Forensics & the Illusion of Privacy (12-21-2017) |  |
Ⅴpn软件 (12-18-2017) |  |
Privacy (12-15-2017) |  |
Use Privacy By Design for Products and Services (12-14-2017) |  |
Security Planner (12-14-2017) |  |
2 Million Fake Net Neutrality Comments Stole American Identities (12-13-2017) |  |
Security Breach Exposed oBike Users' Personal Information (12-08-2017) |  |
San Francisco put the kibosh on delivery robots for now (12-07-2017) |  |
The Problem with Static PII Identification (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Cisco Weighs in on Mobile Privacy Case (12-06-2017) |  |
翻墙软件惨遭下架,业绩遇冷的苹果公司这次撞上了枪口 ...:2021-8-2 · 8月2日,在苹果公司发布第三财季业绩报告后的电话会议上,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克回应了苹果应用商店中国区将VPN应用下架的一事:称受到中国相关法律强大的执行力度影响。有外媒评论指出,中国屏蔽下架一批批的翻墙软件的举措可能会影响互联网发展和相关涉外企业的增长活力。 (12-06-2017) |  |
OWASP Top 10 2017: What your app sec team needs to know (12-06-2017) |  |
Connected Rental Cars Leak Personal Driver Data (12-06-2017) |  |
R3's Corda arrives on AWS Marketplace (12-05-2017) |  |
人工智能应用阻碍了人类智能发展? - · 由于有网络、智能手机、计算机和各种智能软件的伟劳,人伞不再费尽心思地运用自己的大脑,心智的降低似乎就成为一个顺理成章的结果和现象。人工智能超越人脑 这一点很容易从用进废退这一原理来解释,而且现在还有新的研究结果加伡证明。 (12-01-2017) |  |
Coinbase must share users' cryptocurrency data with the IRS (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Supreme Court frets over erosion of privacy in digital age (11-29-2017) |  |
Justices appear to favor more restraints on government access to digital information (11-29-2017) |  |
Supreme Court takes up case about privacy in digital age (11-29-2017) |  |
Warrant Protections against Police Searches of Our Data (11-29-2017) |  |
Supreme Court confronts how technology impacts U.S. notion of privacy (11-28-2017) |  |
Privacy Practice and the GDPR (11-28-2017) |  |
Investigators claim that Oxbridge and other top UK universities are operating a massive, illegal surveillance dragnet aimed at students/alumni and their friends and families (11-26-2017) |  |
The Right to Keep Personal Data Private: Carpenter v. U.S. (11-24-2017) |  |
Once you have a student's name, birthday and SSN, the US Department of Education will give you EVERYTHING else (免费Ⅴpn安卓) |  |
Name+DOB+SSN=FAFSA Data Gold Mine (11-24-2017) |  |
What Amazon Echo and Google Home Do With Your Voice DataAnd How to Delete It (11-24-2017) |  |
家中看“黄片”是否违法?-中国法院网 - · 【案情】2021年8月,刘某在家中电脑上观看“黄片”, 三名民警突然造访,称其违反《计算机信息网络国际互联网安全保护管理办法》第五条第六项和第二十条,对其罚款1000元。 (11-23-2017) |  |
南开大学VPN登录内网的账号 - · '青年之声'互动社交平台伡反映青年呼声、回应青年诉求、维护青年权益、服务青年成长为宗旨,是共青团组织牵手青年 ... (11-22-2017) |  |
PSD2 vs GDPR: How to Navigate Through Conflicting Regulations (11-22-2017) |  |
Bunitu木马采用VPN隐藏踪迹_发现频道__中国青年网:2021-8-6 · ZDNet消息,Bunitu Proxy是一种木马,能够充当一种远程客户端的伟理服务器来影响PC,一旦进入PC,该恶意软件就会侵入计算机,使操控者可伡远程控制 ... (11-21-2017) |  |
A Call for Greater Regulation of Digital Currencies (11-21-2017) |  |
Google admits it tracked user location data even when the setting was turned off (11-21-2017) |  |
Alexa skill development done right: Advanced setup (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
Transatlantic Data Privacy (11-15-2017) |  |
Judge: St. Louis police cant spray chemicals on protesters (11-15-2017) |  |
Step (Ⅴpn软件) |  |
How to Lock Down Your Facebook Privacy Settings (11-14-2017) |  |
蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn (11-10-2017) |  |
Facebook Isn't Listening Through Your Phone's Microphone. It Doesn't Have To (11-10-2017) |  |
Eavesdropper bug exposes millions of texts, calls (11-10-2017) |  |
Hacking a Fingerprint Biometric (11-09-2017) |  |
Sen. Al Franken is doubtful Facebook, Google, and Twitter can police their sites and is calling for 'vigorous oversight' by regulators (FB) (supper ⅤPN) |  |
New research: Understanding the root cause of account takeover (11-09-2017) |  |
暗网强大到设计者都无法销毁 中国也可能有风险 - · 钱童心 中国访问学者章莹颖6月9日在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校校园失踪。迄今,美国警方仍未找到章莹颖的任何痕迹。最新进展是:章莹颖家人数天前 ... (11-09-2017) |  |
Privacy Pass (11-09-2017) |  |
Cloudflare supports Privacy Pass (11-09-2017) |  |
How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met (11-08-2017) |  |
CCTV Users at 'Risk of Breaching GDPR' (11-08-2017) |  |
Today in OpenGov: Trouble in (the) Paradise Papers (11-06-2017) |  |
Google Data Loss Prevention API Offers New Ways to Manage Sensitive Data (11-06-2017) |  |
How "anonymous" wifi data can still be a privacy risk (免费下载∨PN) |  |
Our privacy is dying, but we can lose it responsibly (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Privacy experts praise Apple's facial recognition technology, but worry about developer access (AAPL) (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Privacy experts praise Apple's facial recognition technology, but worry about developer access (AAPL) (11-02-2017) |  |
No, Facebook employees arent reading your private Google Docs files (11-01-2017) |  |
Elon Musk has ambitious plans for his tunneling company here's what we know (TSLA) (11-01-2017) |  |
Russias Internet Privacy is Dead (11-01-2017) |  |
Facebooks Last (10-30-2017) |  |
CFPB Outlines Principles For Consumer (10-29-2017) |  |
HomeHack Flaw Allows Spying Via the Robot Vacuum (10-27-2017) |  |
Google Adds Improvements to Data Loss Prevention API (10-26-2017) |  |
Microsoft drops lawsuit after DOJ limits use of gag orders when accessing customer data (10-23-2017) |  |
中国蓝TV-浙江广电集团视频门户官方网站,奔跑吧在线观看 ...:中国蓝TV是浙江广电集团旗下唯一互联网视频平台,独家提供浙江卫视中国新歌声、中国好声音、奔跑吧兄弟等所有综艺节目高清视频直播点播,并为用户提供各类热门电影,电视剧,综艺,动漫,音乐,娱乐等内容的 … (免费pn软件) |  |
A revolution in privacy, security, and data is coming. Are you ready? (supper ⅤPN) |  |
Twitter explains why it takes time to roll out new safety rules (10-21-2017) |  |
Google Adds Redaction, Masking Features to Data Loss Prevention API (安卓免费pn) |  |
Google brings data loss prevention to its cloud (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
Google DLP API protects sensitive data (10-20-2017) |  |
Google updates Data Loss Prevention API with new ways to manage data (10-19-2017) |  |
Anyone can buy online ads and track your location in real time (安卓免费pn) |  |
Google's data loss prevention API help enterprises mask sensitive information in the cloud (10-19-2017) |  |
New ways to manage sensitive data with the Data Loss Prevention API (10-19-2017) |  |
Employee Snooping is Widespread, with Most Looking for Sensitive Info They Don't Need (10-18-2017) |  |
Ⅴpn软件 (10-17-2017) |  |
北京市2021年上半年投资额增长6.2% - · 北京市完成民间投资1071.9亿元,同比增长4.1%,比1至5月提高2.3个百分点 高技术制造业投资始终保持快速增长,上半年完成投资89亿元,增长9.2% 科技 ... (10-17-2017) |  |
The next revolution will be reclaiming your digital identity (蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn) |  |
User outcry prompts OnePlus to step down its excessive data collection (10-15-2017) |  |
OnePlus limits the data it collects from your phone (10-14-2017) |  |
GDPR Concerns Include 'Where's My Data Stored?' (10-11-2017) |  |
OnePlus is collecting your private data without permission (10-11-2017) |  |
vpn被封翻墙党该何去何从?App Store连接不上如何解决?(图 ...:2021-1-29 · 前几天,据《环球时报》英文网报道中国已经开始屏蔽外国VPN服务,此消息也引起了国内“翻墙党”的一片震动。日前,工信部通信发展司司长闻库在接受采访时也被问到了这一问题,他回应称在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行,一些不良信息应该按照中国法律进行管理。 (10-11-2017) |  |
Is your bank data yours? (10-11-2017) |  |
Open Banking rules mean banks can share YOUR data: Here's how to OPT OUT and keep your money safe online (10-09-2017) |  |
Former MI5 spy: We must fight for digital privacy (10-09-2017) |  |
How anonymous wifi data can still be a privacy risk (10-07-2017) |  |
The 3 Ps of GDPR (10-06-2017) |  |
Uber Removing Apple (10-05-2017) |  |
Mattel cancels AI babysitter after privacy complaints (10-05-2017) |  |
Online Privacy in the Social Media Age (10-04-2017) |  |
IoT connectivity and the benefits of a single ecosystem (10-04-2017) |  |
Cambridge Analytica isnt worried about Facebook ad restrictions (10-03-2017) |  |
70% of US Employees Lack Security and Privacy Awareness (10-03-2017) |  |
DJIs drones get an offline privacy mode following army concerns over cyber vulnerabilities (安卓免费pn) |  |
中国蓝TV-浙江广电集团视频门户官方网站,奔跑吧在线观看 ...:中国蓝TV是浙江广电集团旗下唯一互联网视频平台,独家提供浙江卫视中国新歌声、中国好声音、奔跑吧兄弟等所有综艺节目高清视频直播点播,并为用户提供各类热门电影,电视剧,综艺,动漫,音乐,娱乐等内容的 … (免费下载∨PN) |  |
DJI launches a privacy mode for its drones after US Army ban (安卓免费pn) |  |
GDPR: A summary for schools (09-29-2017) |  |
Senator slams Twitter over suspected accounts tied to Russia (09-29-2017) |  |
DOJ demands Facebook info from 'anti (09-29-2017) |  |
Apple is opening up amid privacy questions about Face ID, personal data collection (09-27-2017) |  |
Berlin Group launches Public Market Consultation on NextGenPSD2 Standard (09-27-2017) |  |
One Tinder users data request turned into 800 pages of probing info (09-26-2017) |  |
Tinder stores a scary amount of information about what you do, including your Facebook history (09-26-2017) |  |
The DHS plans to monitor immigrants social media accounts (09-26-2017) |  |
The Data Tinder Collects, Saves, and Uses (09-26-2017) |  |
Apples Safari update secretly mines data to protect your privacy (09-26-2017) |